New York is a special city. Well, special might be an understatement. Between the monolithic skyscrapers, frantic pace, and dizzying array of languages, neighborhoods, and cultures…let’s just say things can get overwhelming. For that reason, most seasoned New Yorkers — the overburdened, overwhelmed, and overwrought, of which there are many — flock upstate or to the Hamptons to decompress. When that sacred weekend finally does roll around, don’t spend the time you would be using to relax on picking outfits or rummaging through accessories. Here are some Pulse-approved selections, ideal for that pastoral retreat every employee visualizes on their lunch hour.

Let’s start from the bottom up. Shoes are made for walking, like the song says, but your vacation terrain should be a little different from the city’s asphalt undergrowth*. Still, not all footwear is created equal; the key is finding a resistant yet comfortable brand that works efficiently in all seasons. We did a little research, and the Royale by GREATS — a revolutionary, Brooklyn-born sneaker company — checks all the boxes. Handcrafted in Italy and made from locally sourced Italian leather, GREATS bring class and comfort in equal measure. Combining classic Italian influences with a soft padded lining, the Royale is sure to whisk your feet away on a vacation of their own.

Thankfully, GREATS isn’t the only brand with a knack for marrying class and convenience. For those of you who absolutely, positively refuse to don any shirt that begins with a T-, let alone the dreaded Hawaiian floral print, there are plenty of in-between options that give you the ease of a “vacation shirt” with the sophistication of a button-down. Twillory’s aptly named Friday Shirt accomplishes just that.
Available in a variety of pastel colors, and tied together with smart, minimal fitting, the Friday Shirt is the ideal companion for any peace-seeking Jobinson Crusoe. Thanks to their hyper-breathable 4-way Stretch fabric, Twillory excels at making modern, fashionable clothing that markedly stands out and doesn’t shrink or suffocate after usage. Their Friday shirt is no exception.
Hook & Albert

Okay, you’ve got the semblance of an outfit together. You’ve even managed to keep it relatively classy on vacation time. Now you need something to put it in. It would be a tad jarring to couple a fine Italian sneaker and slyly snug dress shirt with a bag that screams “college student’s first Eurotrip”. But you also don’t want to leave out that nifty DSLR you haven’t used in years, or that stack of Scientific American magazines you promised you’d read on the weekend as penance. Hook & Albert’s Getaway Black Leather Duffel is 100% carry-on friendly, while still being able to accommodate all your tablets, computers, and other tenuous connections** to the “real world” (and that’s not counting the two complimentary side pockets). Proving that high quality and practicality don’t have to cancel each other out, Hook and Albert’s luxury bag and accessory selection — especially the Getaway — is an ideal addition to your weekend escape.